THE Travel List

Come fly with me…

Everyone has one… whether they want to admit it or not. It can vary from wanting to jump out of an airplane to driving a race car around a track. There are no rules to what can or can’t be on a Bucket List… but for me? I have mine being very travel specific.

Let me take you on a walk to just a few of the places that are on my “PLACES I REALLY WANT TO GO TO” Bucket List!

1. Easter Island

Ever since I saw those giant heads in my History books when I was a kid… there has been a desire to see these in person.  As I have grown up though? It has started to turn into something else. We are so connected to our phones that I really want to go somewhere that is SOOO far off the grid that I would nearly be escaping society completely! 

Easter Island is just around a 4-6 hour flight from Chile and it is smack dab in the southern Pacific Ocean. Everywhere on Earth has a different vibe and this Island really does speak to me. I am really into archaeology and ancient ruins. And while there may not be ruins per say… There are the maoi heads that are the main attraction. Mystery surrounds them for me because there are over 900 of these giant heads on the island… which… again… is in the middle of nowhere in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean. 

Why? Maybe I will find out when I go there.

2. Angkor Wat

Cambodia. Tropical forests nearly everywhere. You enter a jungle and you spy through the brush an ancient temple that is slowly being devoured by the jungle itself. Trees that are seemingly strangling the ancient structures with enormous roots larger than your body. The architecture of the temples echo a past nearly long forgotten.

This is Angkor Wat and I absolutely want to go here! It has everything for me… mysterious jungles that have been hiding ancient ruins for centuries and… just all the things! Why did these massive temples get abandoned? What secrets still lie in the jungle beneath the roots of these strangler trees?

Also a little trivia for you… Angkor Wat is the largest religious monument in the world!

3. Machu Picchu

I mean… come on. I sincerely hope that nearly everyone has this on theirs! What is there not to love? Okay… maybe the mosquitoes and the humidity of the Amazon but… isn’t that part of the charm? Hidden away in the cliffs of Peru lies this ancient Incan stronghold. With steppes carved right out of the mountainside… this place could hold an entire village!

While it may take 3-5 days to hike up there… There is plenty to see. The mysterious way that the place is constructed is one of the main attractions. Huge slabs of rock that are perfectly aligned and fit together so tightly that you can’t even put a piece of paper between them. This was all down over two thousand years ago! I mean… It is fun to let your imagination run wild when thinking about this.

4. The Pyramids at Giza

Last and not the least… one of the lone surviving members of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World!

Egypt has always held a fascination for me like a great many people. Mummies, ruins that have survived the sands of time and lastly these pyramids! These are but some of the reasons that I MUST go here! Mystery and intrigue are around every single corner when I think about the Pyramids. 

The only thing that might be a tad bit of an issue is that Egypt does have a tendency to not always be the best place to go and visit. Finding a good window… is a little complicated as you can imagine. One day though… one day.

I hope you enjoyed just a TASTE of what’s on my Bucket List! What is on your list? What do you think of mine? 



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